RevITupEasy-to-GreenIT– The Launch Pad’s Green IT Initiative
Applying sound environment practices to IT services just makes sense for business. Green IT means incorporation green business technologies and practices, not only help the environment, but also save money and improve business operations. As a managed IT services provider and accredited Green IT MSP Alliance member, The Launch Pad is committed to helping our clients and our community through our RevITupEasy-to-GreenITInitiative.
RevITup VirtualGreen Office. In an effort to help our small and medium sized business clients incorporate green strategies and move to a consolidated, virtualized environment for their technology management, we developed and integrated and packaged virtualization solution priced for non-enterprise clients; RevITup VirtualGreen Office. A component of our Easy-To-GreenIT initiative, this is a turnkey solution that includes our design, installation, licenses, migration and training of existing IT staff if needed. Think of it like a virtual network in a box. It can live on your site or in a data center. We’ve also created a VirtualGreen Tech Audit and ROI (return on investment) calculator to show you the savings in terms of hardware, management and power consumption, both short and long term.
Recycle Old Equipment Free with The Launch Pad- The Launch Pad Teams with Relectrocycle, LLC. Computers, monitors and other electronics contain toxic materials that can harm the environment and, according to the EPA, creates an estimated 70% of the toxins found in US landfills. In December 2011, The Launch Pad teamed with Relectrocycle, LLC, a Florida based, statewide IT asset disposition and electronics recycling (eCycling) service provider. Through this relationship, we can provide a smooth and easy recycling service to Launch Pad clients during upgrades and equipment decommissions with 3 easy steps free of charge:You can sign up using the GreenBack form.
The Launch Pad will set up an appointment to inventory all of the electronic equipment that you wish to dispose of or provide this service during equipment upgrades.
The Launch Pad will schedule a pickup of the equipment from your office with Relectrocycle, LLC.
Documentation will be provided stating that equipment was disposed of in accordance with state and local laws.
GreenBackCommunity Outreach Program – Nonprofit Organizations
In addition to facilitating eCycling services for clients, gently used PCs and other equipment will be recycled back into the community and made available to nonprofit organizations throughout the Bay area. If you are a nonprofit organization, you can sign up on our website through the Easy-to-GreenIT link with your wish list, and we will distribute equipment on a first come, first serve basis. If you are a business disposing of equipment, you can opt to designate your equipment to be recycled to the local nonprofit of choice or the next in need on our list.Submit your Wish List > Sign up for your Complimentary Green Technology Audit Today >>
Easy-To-GreenIT Program Participation Signup
Sign up today for our FreeRevITupEasy-to-GreenIT Technology Audit
Complete Technology Inventory and GreenIT Score
Recommendations on asset recovery/ eCycling /GreenBack donation
Security Audit of Data to be Destroyed if eCycling
Instruct on implementing low or no-cost immediate green best practices
Identify worst offenders
Provide vendor list of recycling/buyers and seller
Recommendations on short and long term green technologies
ROI on 3, 5 and 10 year benefit of going Green
Take Advantage of our Free GreenBack or Ecycle Program
Nonprofit Organizations: Fill Our Your Wish List for Computer Hardware or Business Wishing to Donate - List Available Equipment
Then we will blog and tweet your request plus add your to our waiting list for equipment as it becomes available
More GreenIT Resources
Learn How You Can Reduce Your Technology Footprint With RevITup VirtualGreen Office Series download our fact sheet now